Life Is Colorful

Archive for the ‘Spiritual’ Category


Posted on: June 10, 2009

Most people have heard of Karma but have little understanding of what that means.
So what does it mean?
As I am sure a lot of you know Karma means ‘action’.
That is the literal translation of the word. For every action there is another action.

This is the Law of Cause and Effect that Karma is all about, and is what we mean when we say the word karma most of the time.

Karma is pretty much the Law of Cause and Effect.
Every action or thought we do or have has an effect.
This is inescapable.
The Law of Cause and Effect is Absolute and is working in just about everything we do.

In fact everything that we have happen to us is a result of our Karma.
We either have Good karma or bad karma.
What would you rather happen to you?
Good or bad.

All sane people only want Good to happen to them.
We live in an intelligent Creation.
God’s Law is Absolute.
He knows just exactly what you are doing and why.
So you can’t cheat.

In case you’re wondering karma is also in the Bible.
It states “As you sow, so must you reap.”
This is stating the Law of Karma.
If you do bad things they will come back to haunt you, but there is a way of nullifying or avoiding the ‘negative’ effects of karma.
This is through Love.

Karma also explains why bad things happen to ‘good’ people.
They are not really good at all and are just reaping what they have sowed in this or previous lifetimes.

The Difference Between a “Gate” and a “Door”

God has been ministering to my heart about the “Gate”.
A gate is not the same thing as a “Door”. You can kick down a door easily, even if it is locked up securely, you can find a way to knock it down. But a “Gate” is much stronger.

When I think of a gate I think of more security and more authority. Think about the gates of the fortresses in days of old, they were not just “doorways” they were “Gated” with strength and then you had to walk through a huge bricked tunnel to get into the city through another “Gate”. So, I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying that we can open doors on our own, but he is the one who opens the “Gates” and in this year he has opened the “Gates” that have beenbarricaded.

And now is the time. He has had a people on the back side of the mountain with him. He has been preparing them and holding them back for such a time as this. An obscure people, people that no one thought would amount to anything. The little,” no ones”. For he know that these will walk through the “Gates” humbly. I can see him with a huge key, a key of “Destiny” a Master key that fits all locks and he has opened ever gate that has been shut. Gates that we thought we would never or could never walk through.

But we are rising up and hearing the voice of our Father saying “Rise Up, Come Up Hither and Walk Through Your Gates today

Have A Bless Day

Time and Place

Will somehow find
a way to shine
if sometime seems
it’s out of time?
Sometimes might be
better found
with the minutes
ticking round.
If you find some
times you’re scared,
remember Jesus
has always cared.
He will somehow
sometimes true
allow something’s
to be with you.
So when sometime
shows its face,
remember it has
time and place.

— By Bill Pearce

Take A Moment

Listless moments
find a place
in our moments
time and space
when our spirit
that we know
is most surely
getting low.
It’s the sectors
of our views
that are filled with
daily news.
Listless blossoms
from the line
found in footprints
time to time.
So when listless
takes on you
this is what you
need to do.
Take a moment
to breathe in
and let Jesus
then begin.
Let Lord Jesus
give you power
to make better
every hour.

Β©By Bill Pearce